Monday, April 21, 2014


I spent a lot of time in my classroom over the summer.  I had to move rooms (same grade) and I had a lot of work to do.  My first year teaching was TOUGH, so I wanted to do all I could to make this year more successful.  And successful it has been!  Phew.  Here are a few pictures that I snapped before meet-the-teacher night.  It might not look like much, but setting up a classroom is hard work!

 We made a quick trip up to Bluewater, New Mexico for the Nielson reunion.  We weren't able to go for the entire time because I went back to work that week, but I'm so glad we made it up for a few days!  It is heavenly up there and spending time with the whole fam is the best.
We took some romantic quad rides.
Rode to the nearest Dairy Queen with Marcus, Ashley, and Poppy

 We snuggled babies
 We accicentally matched and took pictures to document

 We roasted mallows and starbursts and sang songs around the campfire

 Ben looked scared of the horses in pictures, but wasn't actually scared ;)
I'm pretty sure I won the lottery when it came to families-I have the best family and married into a great one, too.
After our quick trip to the ranch, the party was over.
Meet-the-teacher gift from a student.  Always a good sign!
 First Day of School


  1. I love your classroom! What grade are you teaching this year?

  2. Rebecca- I teach third grade at Burk Elementary in Gilbert!

  3. Your classroom is the best! Ranch life looks so dreamy!
